Riding season is quickly approaching us and so it’s important to go over some riding tips to ensure you’re safe. There are way too many collisions, that usually happen at the start of riding season, because of situations that can be easily prevented. Here are some tips that will make it safer for you to ride your motorcycle this season.
Stay out of driver’s blind spots
Probably the reason riders get hurt the most is because drivers say they can’t see them. While I’m not here to say all the blame goes on riders, I will say you can greatly reduce the risk by making yourself visible. Yes you shouldn’t have to but you should never ever make your safety the responsibility of someone else, especially someone in a cage.
Don’t ride in bad weather
I can understand why you want to take advantage of every riding day possible, but you shouldn’t ride if they weather that day has a chance of being dicey. Weather conditions like rain make the road wet and slippery, which makes traction and control an issue. It’ll also eliminate natural light and make it herder for other drivers to see you. These factors combined make it incredibly dangerous for you to ride in bad weather.
Pay attention, stay focused
If you are riding, you need to be focused. It’s easy to daze off in a car and get side tracked without having to face any consequences. But on 2 wheels, it’s a completely different game. You have to pay attention to your surroundings and stay focused. Being able to predict what drivers are doing on the road by simply paying attention to movements will save your life out there.
Stay safe out there!